Viktor Orban

18 days ago

Oxford University's Diversity Boss does not believe in free speech for those who engage in WrongThink

Vernal Scott is the head of Equality and Diversity at my old place, Oxford University. And as you can see below he only believes in free speech for folks he agrees with.


436 days ago

When opening the window at 11 AM and playing this appropriate music is a revolutionary act

The Government of Britain issued a diktat that we should all observe a minute’s silence at 11 AM today to mark a year since the, wholly wrong, Russian invasion of Ukraine.  Britain is not at war. British young people are not dying in the trenches yet the Government has appropriated a symbolic gesture at a symbolic time to justify our acts.


2770 days ago

Immigration: The Hungarians are Revolting but who is to blame? Everyone?

The Hungarian referendum on immigration left me feeling pretty disgusted by all involved. All the players appall me.

The liberal media wags from the BBC and Channel 4 were delighted to interview a raft of fat old Hungarians dressed in national costume heading off to vote. One woman insiated in sitting on the back seat of the car facing backwards with her ample arse in the air so as not to crumple her hideous dress which reminded us of folks in old Nazi propaganda movies from the thirties. Naturally 99% of those voting wandered to the station wearing jeans and looking normal. But the media wanted to show that all those voting to stop migration were old, inbred and stupid. We have seen that agenda before.
